Tuesday, October 31, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/30/17) "Star In My Life” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Paradise Express

Herb Jimmerson and Vi Ann are Paradise Express – perhaps one of the most perfect disco bands of the disco era during the late 70s. With Vi Ann’s distinct bluesy vocal and Herb’s adventurous electronic production they made dancers feel as though they could fly. “Star In My Life” is from the first album and is a cover of a track from 1976 recorded by Humble Pie. This is a grand example of a disco cover taking a rock ballad to another level. It features Martha Wash and Izora Rhodes (The Weather Girls, Two Tons ‘O Fun) on backup and is a small revival. One of my favorite recordings of the disco era that stand out away from the dance floor.

I have taken the album version of “Star In My Life” and recreated a lengthier and pumped up ReStructure Mix to give the song a new message. It is homage to the duo – Herb Jimmerson and Ms. Vi Ann for their glorious contributions to disco music.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/29/17) "Fingers” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Lea

Lea is a disco artist who released two singles in the early 80s. “Fingers” from 1985 is produced by Bobby Orlando, Don Oriolo and Jurgen S. Korduletsch. This is a camp piece that explores the anatomical piece of the body which explores Lea’s sexy body. She describes every part of her lovers’ hands right on down to the ‘fingers’. It is a sexy camp high number that you expect to hear maybe Ann Margret sing with a dancing all-male chorus backup. The synthesizers resemble much of Bobby Orlando’s high energy work and are the power behind this track. It was later re-released under the name Ronny Goes To Liverpool and titled “Trust” with news snippets sampled. Lea creates a saucy and sexy performance that is everything that disco camp is.

I have taken the 12” single version from Oh My! Records and recreated another ReStructure Mix using more of the deep-driving keyboards and rolling synths as the focus. A couple of classic disco breaks are added to give the sensual edge a new reality.


IN THE 'SHAKE' OF THE NIGHT ... bones and boogie!

IN THE 'SHAKE' OF THE NIGHT ... bones and boogie!

"Fear" by Easy Going - Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/vB0Gphq4Ub8
“Once Bitten Twice Shy” by Vesta – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/oeCI2dbv3VE
“Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark” by D.C. LaRue – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/kQgyjAQmuxg
“Watch Out For The Boogie Man” by Trax – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/MddVU5Ow2d0
"Something Scary" by Zsa Zsa LaBoum - Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - http://www.discovideomix.com/videos/zsazsalaboum_somethingscary.html

Saturday, October 28, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/27/17) "Without You” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Chas Jankel

Chas Jankel is a British musician whose career in the early 80s began with the band Ian Dury and The Blockheads (“Hit Me With Your Rhythm Sticks”) and then led to a solo career in the electronic dance arena. His style I always considered very abstract following the 80s trends of work by Herbie Hancock (“Rock It”) and innovative keyboard and synthesizer lead studio groups. “Without You” comes from Chas’ third album titled “Chazblanca” and was also featured in the film, “Mike’s Murder” from 1984. The track is a bittersweet love song of two lovers who strive to make it work yet lack some of the tools for a relationship. It is a bit more synth-pop than his prior hit “Glad To Know You” but still contains the erratic and maze-like keyboards that Jankel marked as his style.

I have taken the 12” single and reworked it into homage to the electronic age of the 80s in this ReStructure Mix. The importance of these artists blending a new period of dance music with very few barriers was an exciting time. Chas Jankel created work that will always be a stamp of this time – either as pop radio crossovers or the continuing work of masters like Giorgio Moroder.

circa disco - digging up a party

circa disco - digging up a party

"Life Is Music" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - The Ritchie Family - https://youtu.be/PpClGBDTGGc
“Souvenirs" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Voyage - https://youtu.be/0yWEqbiR8As
"Sunset People" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Donna Summer - https://youtu.be/x3n8q1ymVTA
“Too Hot Ta Trot” – Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Commodores - https://youtu.be/0-nOZUuzTEs
“From Here To Eternity" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Giorgio - https://youtu.be/XFpgxLvhTAI

Thursday, October 26, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/26/17) "Carry Me” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – El Coco

W. Michael Lewis and Laurin Rinder is El Coco. A studio concept group whose aim has always been experimental with an underground feel. During the mid-70s prior to the disco explosion there was a world of night life that was yet to be discovered. El Coco was the one of the focal directions where disco music was headed. Rinder and Lewis were the pioneers of dance music discovery and worked it properly to satisfy dance floors and the upcoming connoisseurs of this sound. Their brand has always been a sounding of syncopated electronics with a live band groove. “Carry Me” comes from their 1980 project titled “Revolución” and features vocals by Joy Cannon – who was also a part of a disco group titled Frisky (produced by Moses Dillard and Jesse Boyce). This track is another bright light for El Coco as it plays out as an anthem long before they were even known. It has a positive uplifting chorus along with loving and soul supporting lyrics. And of course that disco diva who gives it all and then some.

I have taken the album version of “Carry Me” and transported the mood into a new ReStructure Mix with more punch that it deserves. The flanging and rolling arpeggios are the outline for this tribute to the best of disco: W. Michael Lewis and Laurin Rinder.

One More Day ... til Friday!

 One More Day ... til Friday!

"One Nation Under A Groove" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Funkadelic - https://youtu.be/tzZlAv8pwOg
"Love The One You’re With” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Gino Soccio - https://youtu.be/JPBOXps9KYg
"Number One" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Musique - https://youtu.be/1-Pwhh-aOZ8
“One More Shot” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Oh, Romeo - https://youtu.be/3EdCUqrdOI4
"One Of A Kind" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Donna Summer - https://youtu.be/OHtxsiW3ffE

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/25/17) "Flowers” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – The Emotions

ReStructure Mix Update (10/25/17) "Flowers” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – The Emotions

The Emotions brought hope, love and peace to the world in 1976 with their single “Flowers” from the album by the  same name. Produced by Charles Stepney and Maurice White (Earth Wind and Fire) – this movement for these ladies  plays an important part of dance music history. “I Don’t Wanna Lose Your Love” is a part of this package and also  lays out the soulful groove along with funk which quickly became a part of discotheques and radio playlists.  “Flowers” is also a light and cha-cha infused groove that always brings to mind the effectiveness of a sweet  soulful choir over a dance rhythm. One of the most powerful pieces from these lovely ladies: Jeanette Hawes,  Sheila Hutchinson and Wanda Hutchinson.

I have taken the 12”/ album version of “Flowers” and have given this beautiful number a ReStructure Mix which uses  the lovely vocals to the benefit of an alternative early morning mix. It gives way to the nice rhythm which exists  and adds a few more percussion parts to add more of a dip to that stride.

SUPER DISCO - Funky and Fun!

SUPER DISCO - Funky and Fun!
“Superman” by Herbie Mann – Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/gIPCnjnQiKE
"Super Sweet" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Wardell Piper - https://youtu.be/5sAU_Y82Ct4
"Super Extra Sexy Sign" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Kano - https://youtu.be/ZL6TG92qmS0
“Superman” by C.K.B. – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/mr5vK5i9YEQ
"Supernature" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Cerrone - https://youtu.be/tAs3uSvZ0-U

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/24/17) "My Hearts Divided” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Shannon

Shannon (Brenda Shannon Greene) is a name that was embedded into disco history in 1983 when her hit, “Let The Music Play” introduced a new sound for dance floors. It was a funk drizzled with pulsating electro-vibes along with the sweet sound of Shannon. Producers Mark Liggett and Chris Barbosa were capturing the new street sound with a coat of electronic magic. “My Hearts Divided” is from the album “Let The Music Play” and echoes the infectious sound that is known as “The Shannon Sound”. This tug a war love song is a powerful moment in a relationship where the decision to stay or leave is given a funky alternative. One of the great follow up tracks by Shannon and a definite classic.

I have taken the original 12” version and created a ReStructure Mix using parts and pieces of genius from Barbosa and Liggett to outline an extended version with more emphasize on words and sounds. It is truly a wonderland for anyone who may desire this 80s street sound or those who may wonder what was going on at the time.

EARLIER: AT THE CLUB - the night is young

EARLIER: AT THE CLUB - the night is young

"Cherchez Le Femme" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band - https://youtu.be/PovFZ8rUsIY
"Running Away" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Roy Ayers Ubiquity - https://youtu.be/3474fBWi5BI
“Let's Dance" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Bombers - https://youtu.be/3VYgXGFMtEU
"Magic Of You" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Cameron - https://youtu.be/Naenspeoo8k
"Cherchez Pas" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Madleen Kane - https://youtu.be/or3Kzu7_OBg

Monday, October 23, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/24/17) " I Close My Eyes And Count To Ten” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – The Simon Orchestra

ReStructure Mix Update (10/24/17) " I Close My Eyes And Count To Ten” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – The Simon Orchestra

The Simon Orchestra is a studio project from producer Simon Soussan – who also founded early 70s labels Soul Fox Records and Soul Galore which produced a Northern Soul sound. His work in disco include the first Shalamar single, “Uptown Festival”, Pattie Brooks’ “After Dark” and “Love and Desire” by Arpeggio. His sound was always a step ahead on the blend of electronics and orchestral disco. It was a sound that displayed in The Simon Orchestra album was a stamp for the British disco sound from Passion Records that became “high energy” in the early 80s. The rolling drums and swirling strings were emulated by session bands Charade, Marsha Raven and many projects in the mid-80s. “I Close My Eyes And Count To Ten” is one of the four tracks from “Mr. Big Shot” from 1979. The project featured Lamarr Stevens, Jessica Williams and Alex Brown on vocals where Alex sings lead on “I Close My Eyes And Count To Ten”. The full impact of Soussan’s sound can be felt in this song.

I have taken the album version of “I Close My Eyes And Count To Ten” and reworked the sweet vocal of Alex Brown and the powerful disco orchestral production for this ReStructure Mix. It plays out very similarly with a few more breaks and some accentuating the disco slam of Simon Soussan’s sound.

love and kisses - the Euro-Disco of Alec R. Costandinos

love and kisses - the Euro-Disco of Alec R. Costandinos

“How Much, How Much I Love You" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Love and Kisses - https://youtu.be/IEtFefXAKSo
"Oh, La La La" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Love & Kisses - https://youtu.be/Oew-Fa6I9kQ
"Accidental Lover" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Love and Kisses - https://youtu.be/86LSCj4ZZEE
“You’re The Most Precious Thing In My Life” – Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Love and Kisses - https://youtu.be/BTni_KzEGas
"I Found Love (Now That I Have Found You)" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Love & Kisses - https://youtu.be/r9T-uF3zb0w

Friday, October 20, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/20/17) "Too Through” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Jocelyn Brown and Bad Girls

ReStructure Mix Update (10/20/17) "Too Through” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Jocelyn Brown and Bad Girls

Bad Girls is a disco/funk project from producer Began Cekic (Brooklyn Express, Common Sense, Hi Voltage, and Francine Simone). There single “Too Through” released in 1981 is a classic among the New York funk releases of that period. This one uses Latin percussion tapping across a funky bass guitar to accent Jocelyn’s major performance. It is a quite gem. Another number which thanks to Jocelyn Brown’s touch on vocals creates an unforgettable moment.

I have taken the 12” vocal, instrumental and single version to create a new ReStructure Mix and groove for this soulful light. The percussion is highlighted once again in many segments and used in other ways to bring out verses and some new breaks.


AIM FOR THE WEEKEND - This is your shot!

AIM FOR THE WEEKEND - This is your shot!

"Shoot Your Best Shot" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Linda Clifford - https://youtu.be/YJfpeyByGeQ
"Hit 'N Run Lover" by Carol Jiani - Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/JEJcvfYDht8
"Love Gun" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Rick James - https://youtu.be/NXC9CQ_fuag
“One Shot Lover” by Venus – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/XQenlFGC8j4
"Shoot Your Shot” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Divine - https://youtu.be/524bBsXrNsQ

Thursday, October 19, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/19/17) "I Will Follow Him” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Claudja Barry

Claudja Barry is one of the icons of the disco era. Her music has always been aimed at the dance floor and we are so grateful. A unique falsetto voice with a sensual lure is not the only asset this diva possesses – her stage presence is always powerful and dull of energy. A few of her big hits include, “Sweet Dynamite”, “Boogie Woogie Dancin’ Shoes”, “Johnny, Johnny Please Come Home”, and “Dancin’ Fever”. The 70s was truly an event thanks to Claudja and her music. In the early 80s she stood her ground for her dance fans and maintained more hits and plenty of diversity among their production and her vocal performances. “I Will Follow Him” is one of Claudja’s 1982 releases and was produced by legendary Jurgen Kordulesch (Disco Circus, Araxis, Lipstique) and is a cover of 1953 pop track from Little Peggy March. Claudja hits the spot with this 80s electro-disco version. Her vocal and the hard hitting vibe make this one a beautiful and invigorating version.

I have taken the 12” version of “I Will Follow Him” and pieces of the original to recreate a new ReStructure Mix to pay homage to Claudja and Jurgen for their wonderful contributions to the dance floor and our hearts. This remix plays out with more effects and some new play with Claudja’s vocal.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

REISSUE: ReStructure Mix Update (10/18/17) "I Love Men” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Eartha Kitt

Eartha Kitt is a star whose presence was not only a mystique but also much like the 50s own Grace Jones figure. Her music was accented with her unique sound. It was only a short amount of time into the 70s when disco producer Jacques Morali (Village People, The Ritchie Family) brought Eartha into the club arena for a dance album and so appropriate. “I Love Men” is the title single which brings an outward and fitting version of her odyssey with men as partners. It is fun and dramatic track which fills the room with an electric symphony of celebration.

I have taken the 12” on Record Shack and transformed the 2 version into a new ReStructure Mix experience. Just as celebratory and fun as Eartha would present. A tribute to both Eartha Kitt and Mr. Jacques Morali!

FRED & GINGER & KAREN & JOHN - Dancing Up A Storm

FRED & GINGER & KAREN & JOHN - Dancing Up A Storm

"Stand Up - Sit Down" by AKB - Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/0_T0Xrv9gwA
“Manhattan Shuffle” by Area Code (212) – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/VpQnTiPFDsE
“Dance, Dance, Dance (Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah)” by Chic – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/sxqF6SCDLnI
“Hooray For Hollywood” by The Coney Island Chorus Girls – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/IhtsTMCEf7Q
"Dance Fantasy" By Free Life - Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/ZKhl_xAcNKk

Monday, October 16, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/16/17) "Oriental Eyes” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Rewind

ReStructure Mix Update (10/16/17) "Oriental Eyes” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Rewind

Rewind is a German produced disco project from 1985. Produced by Two ‘N’ You and features vocalist Camilia Hüther on their single “Oriental Eyes”. This Euro-dance track is an adventure with Arabic touches to give the theme of “Lawrence of Arabia” a dance soundtrack. The lyrics focus on a love affair where the passion is brought to life with the glimpse of our eyes through the raging desert. The beats pound out a tight rhythm throughout the chants which follow the early 80s Bobby O and pop-songs like “Self Control”. It was always a favorite of mine to use for nights where the program was painting a picture as well as moving the soul.

I have taken the 12” vocal and instrumental to work on this ReStructure Mix to give this song another piece of that romance in the hot sand. I have extended the intro with the fantastic beats and have given this story a long fading departure with the sitar playing mysteriously. It is a salute to those 80s Euro-disco productions that returned us to the disco productions where a symphonic approach was powerful and beautiful.

DISCO GALAXY ... your place in space

 DISCO GALAXY ... your place in space

"Spacer" by Sheila and B. Devotion - Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/-PWYoY3tGTM
"Starship Trooper" by Sarah Brightman - Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/3HCaWtcWZj8
"Trippin' On The Moon" by Cerrone -- Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/W5BtAm1N240
“Pulstar” by Mc Lane Explosion – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/IMJfhobX2PI
“Space Trouble” by Why Not – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/uVNkovGv6rc

Sunday, October 15, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/15/17) "Lift Off” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Patrick Cowley

Patrick Cowley is a disco pioneer in production and mind. His music has always represented the fantasy and adventure which hardcore dance music meant to deliver. His work with keyboards and synthesizers gave another era of electronic magic to disco music from the late 70s to the late 80s. More of his music is based on psychedelic moods and soaring motors of sound. His productions include many artists from the San Francisco disco movement in the early 80s like Sylvester, Paul Parker and Sarah Dash. His album “Megatron Man” is a classic in its entirety. Each track is a ‘mind trip’ which contains Cowley’s touch throughout in an originally production. “Lift Off” is a blasting adventure of traveling through a dance mind warp to ecstasy – always one of my favorites.

I have taken the album version of “Lift Off” and recreated a new voyage in this ReStructure Mix. A whole new edit that reworks the original elements to bring out the excitement once again.

Lady Disco Singer - Placing Emotion Over The Beat

Lady Disco Singer - Placing Emotion Over The Beat

"From Now On" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Linda Clifford - https://youtu.be/JbyazfVwJ-M
"Don't Know Why I Love You" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Thelma Houston - https://youtu.be/I8oAn-cpVpA
"Need-A-Man Blues" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Donna Summer - https://youtu.be/jQyIX8WodQ0
"From Now On" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Caren Armstrong - https://youtu.be/7IvNzB_hSc8
"How High The Moon" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Gloria Gaynor - https://youtu.be/ycmedP-AIIA

Saturday, October 14, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/14/17) "Head To Toe” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam

Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam are Lisa Velez, Mike Hughes and Alex “Spanador” Moseley – a group which brought the mid-80s a new street r&b sound with a touch of Miami Freestyle on the edges. Their single “Head To Toe” from 1987 was produced by Full Force and has the funky beats and rhythm that set their vocals which echo an oldies shoo-bop feel on fire. It is one of pinnacle singles from the group and reminds me of a time when pop-dance engaged traditions of disco music.

I have taken the 12” vocal and dub (“Foot Mix”) into a ReStructure Mix play which gives the track a playful dub feel with more of the bridge which raises the love from Lisa to sweetness. I have no idea why Rosie and The Originals’ “Angel Baby” got caught up in this mix – it was always in the background of my mind when placing this song.

boil and then simmer - Saturday Night Recipe

boil and then simmer - Saturday Night Recipe 

"Breakaway" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Watson Beasley - https://youtu.be/vrt8UV2JD50
“Fire Night Dance" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Peter Jacques Band - https://youtu.be/u3RFKO7eCGY
“Savage Lover" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - The Ring - https://youtu.be/Z1X9exhAcE8
"Everybody Dance" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Chic - https://youtu.be/MbXZ5GGhG_U
"Don't You Feel My Love" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - George McCrae - https://youtu.be/b0qvSA-xjjE

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/11/17) "Chinese Magic” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Jessica

Jessica is Malaika Trümper – a German disco singer who recorded several dance singles during the mid and late 80s. The music produced by Bernd Dietrich and Engelbert Simons is a high energy feel which was labeled ‘Asian New Wave”. This was a bright and uplifting sound similar to groups like Modern Talking. “Chinese Magic” is a small celebration with a rolling chorus which brings to mind fan dancers for me. This one always had a melodic feel which I loved to use during tea dances or programs with an uplifting feel. It is simple and Jessica’s soft and breathy vocals bring to mind a disco period where happiness was the mood of the music.

I have taken the vocal and instrumental from the 12” single and recreated a deeper edged ReStructure Mix using the rolling bass synths on a down beat. The uplifting chorus is accentuated with more of an underground lead into this mystical sound I have also rearranged the original to give it not only a longer act but also add a few breaks with a classic sample from Led Zeppelin which came to mind somewhere in the creative process.

DISCO STRETCH - mirror ball workout

DISCO STRETCH - mirror ball workout

"Thank God For Music" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Patrick Cowley - https://youtu.be/N-_INCqS4DY
"I Feel Love Coming" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Modern Rocketry - https://youtu.be/yPf94N0fzeM
"Color My Love" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Fun Fun - https://youtu.be/rTg29qhxrRQ
"D.I.S.C.O." - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Ottawan - https://youtu.be/WmYBKVxHhrc
“You Can" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Madleen Kane - https://youtu.be/X9UPTnXtfKM 

Monday, October 9, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/9/17) "Love Light” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Jerney

Jerney Kaagman is a singer from The Netherlands who started her recording career in the early 70s with a band titled Earth and Fire. He solo career began in 1984 with her album “Made On Earth” which features the disco track “Love Light” – a beautiful early morning track which remained as an underground single for disc jockeys and music connoisseurs who were fortunate enough to acquire the 12” version with a fabulous Robbie Leslie remix focused at the big after-hours dance palaces. It follows the formula of many bands and vocalists of the time who were crossing over to an alternative and moody sound – much like Cock Robin’s “When Your Heart Is Weak”. “Love Light” is a lovely piece that suits Jerney to the end of the magic which plays out as complete from start to end.

I have taken the Robbie Leslie 12” remix released in 1986 and created a dreamier version for this ReStructure Mix entry. The original 12” version by Leslie is a gem and this touch only gives it another “spotlight” for those ears and feet which may either remember and treasure it or discover and be in awe of it.

BETTE & JOAN - At The Club

 BETTE & JOAN - At The Club

“Masterpiece” by Gazebo – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/CJH4FpKO4sY
“She Has A Way” by Bobby ‘O – Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/JKu5Q0Fwa6U
"One Less Bell To Answer" by Pearly Gates - Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/Gl33_WJ3Qh0
"Suffer" by Grace Jones - Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/0KOHUhk3cww
“The Greatest Show On Earth” by Metropolis - Disco Video Mix by Glenn Rivera - https://youtu.be/i-UtCVY-j08

Saturday, October 7, 2017

ReStructure Mix Update (10/7/17) "Blow Up The D.J.” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – TNT Clan

TNT Clan is a new beat/Belgium Beat project from the masters of the genre – Herman Gillis, Jo Casters and Roland Beelen – better known as Morton Sherman Bellucci. This style of dance music rejuvenated the artistic and rhythmic edge of dance music and may have been inspired by “Pump Up The Volume” by M.A.R.R.S. from 1987. Many of the pieces that are a conglomerate of New Beat feature simple yet heavy bass beat riffs – disco, hip-hop, street, rock or house and transformed into a sample foundation for various hidden or strange messages. Many are sexual and are to the extreme of sampling porn film sounds or sexually suggestive phrases. The overhaul of the mixes are the success of New Beat as many were stripped down and EQ’ed with the sharp and deep recording that presented a polished product.

“Blow Up The D.J.” is one of my favorite tracks in the New Beat genre not only the usage of the classic disco track by Kiss (“I Was Made For Loving You”) but it also signifies the “Pump Up The Volume” influence. This ReStructure Mix is to pay homage to this style of dance music which I followed by ear with dedication but also found it as a rejuvenation of dance music in the late 80s and its influence during the early 90s dance scene.

"We're Gonna Need A Bigger Dance Floor" - "FEET"

"We're Gonna Need A Bigger Dance Floor" - "FEET"

"Cathedrals" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - D.C. La Rue - https://youtu.be/hnthj6TdUa8
"Get Up, Action" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Digital Emotion - https://youtu.be/yFegCDZwRtE
"Shut Out/Heaven Is A Disco" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Paul Jabara - https://youtu.be/kz5JTh5IL5s
"I'm Learning To Dance All Over Again" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Lorraine Johnson - https://youtu.be/gcACtjXIdLA
"Pick Up The Pieces" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Average White Band - https://youtu.be/Sh7YxNf9q7Q

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