Monday, November 4, 2019

REISSUE: "Keep On Jumpin'" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Musique

REISSUE: "Keep On Jumpin'" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Musique

The LP that shook dance floors everywhere in 1978 was "Keep On Jumpin'" by Musique! A Patrick Adams production that still brings goosebumps to disco connoisseurs. It is a gem of a recording.

"Keep On Jumpin'" is a track that I recall shortly after Chic's "Dance, Dance, Dance" exploded and I would mix them up - similar bass lines and energy. Although Musique's "Keep On Jumpin'" is more like a cheerleader meet with an energy drink involved.

I have ReStructured the hit with a whole new outline and some new beats, effects and strategies. It made me a little nervous to touch this one - but once I did it was exciting and once again I could not keep my butt still in my chair.


This ReStructure Mix is dedicated to the master, Mr. Patrick Adams - thank you Patrick, for so much!

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