Monday, April 30, 2012

"The Second Time Around" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Shalamar

"The Second Time Around" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Shalamar

Shalamar began as a studio session and quickly became a successful group on Solar Records (Soul Train label) - with members Jody Watley, Howard Hewitt and Jeffrey Daniel.

"The Second Time Around" is from their third album titled "Big Fun" - the song became an instant club anthem following it's release - and even today is one of the most loved "old-school" or classic disco tracks alive!

I have taken the 12" single and ReStructured the song to give it a new energy and meaning. Recently, after seeing Ms. Jody Watley live and sing the complete song solo - I fell in love with it all over again!

This ReStructure Mix is dedicated to Ms. Watley and her marvelous talent and the voice which has only gotten better!

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