Sunday, April 4, 2021

REISSUE: “Why” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Carly Simon

REISSUE: “Why” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Carly Simon Carly Simon is one of the voices of the 70’s which marked the era with some amazing recordings including “You’re So Vain” and “That’s The Way I’ve Always Heard It Should Be”. Her departure from contemporary 70’s ballads to dance music in 1982 was a single produced by Nile Rogers and Bernard Edwards titled “Why”. One of the big surprises of the period with more of a reggae/ska feel but in every sense the work of the disco masters Chic. The song fared well with disco fans and those who followed the success of the men from Chic. The lasting edge on this track is the haunting riff that somehow creates a lasting movement for the mind and heart. I have taken the 12” vocal and instrumental of “Why” and placed it in the ReStructure Mix realm. Adding more of the intro and breaks to give this song of heartbreak more of a lasting groove in that reggae style.

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