Saturday, November 8, 2008

"Dynamite!" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Stacy Lattisaw

• "Dynamite!" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Stacy Lattisaw

In 1979, Van McCoy produced Stacy Lattisaw's first LP titled "Young And In Love" - this was a young talent that displayed the crossover of pop to disco. Bunny Hull and Narada Michael Walden took over Lattisaw's talent in 1980 with the formula that began a new style of dance music.

Walden's production of Lattisaw's "Let Me Be Your Angel" was a formula he creatively used with Sister Sledge, Aretha Franklin, Amii Stewart and a few solo LPs. This became a staple of the dance floors in the early 80's.

"Dynamite!" was the first dance track from this project and as memorable as the second follow-up, "Jump To The Beat". It was a pop-dance hit that utilized Stacy's young vocal delivery.

My ReStructure of "Dynamite!" is more focused on the rhythm track and takes the elements into a deeper dance mix. It is a revival of a sound which helped to keep disco alive throughout the early 80's.

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