ReStructure Mix Update (3/30/23): “You and Me” – Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Spargo
Spargo is a Dutch disco group formed in 1975 and features
Ellert Driessen, Jeff Nassenstein, Leander Lammertink, Lilian Day Jackson, René van Collem and Ruud Mulder. Their 1980 project titled “Good Time Spirit” contained their single “You and Me” which became a recognizable sound during its release – produced by Steve Yelick 'Mr. Meter' and Dicky Lafour. The bubbly and lyrically simple piece had the essence of the disco experience including the syn-drums exploding throughout the arrangement of rolling bass and funky rhythm guitars. During the early 80’s where dance music arrangements became more electronic and less layered this song is one of the examples of the period.
I have taken the 12” version of “You and Me” and worked at remodeling a new ReStructure Mix for Spargo’s gem. New drums are added as well as a few new layered effects to accentuate this tribute to the 80’s dance scene and Spargo.