Saturday, June 23, 2012

"Without Your Love" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Nina Schiller

"Without Your Love" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Nina Schiller
Nina Schiller is a disco artists from producer Bill Motley. She is better known as Crystal and The Team - with a single titled "Won't You Dance With Me" from 1981. It was not long after the underground club success of this single when Nina was introduced on her solo project.

"Stay The Night" is the album and the single "Without Your Love" is the second single from the project. A 12" single was released the same year - with a fabulous remix from Paul Sabu (Debbie Jacobs, Sister Power, Sabu, Gwen Jonae) and Rusty Garner.

I have taken the album version and have reworked the beauty love song - giving it a whole new meaning a feel. It is one of my favorite 80s disco revivals from the city of San Francisco and Mr. Bill Motley and still outlines a beautiful feel with Nina Schiller's vocals.

This ReStructure Mix is dedicated to Steven Casey from Facebook - and thank you Steven for requesting a ReStructure of this wonderful song!

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