Monday, May 3, 2021

REISSUE: "Metropolis Suite" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Bobby 'O (released under Lyn Toddd)


REISSUE: "Metropolis Suite" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Bobby 'O (released under Lyn Toddd) "Metropolis Suite" is a brief instrumental piece from Bobby Orlando which was featured on his production of 80s rock-artist, Lyn Todd. The 1980 was formulated as a play for Orlando to take his electronic disco sound into a new arena. One of the more memorable tracks for me was this Orlando number that features his classic keyboard sound. Much of what he did with Divine, The Flirts and his own solo career during the time. I have taken the just over 2 minute track and have given it the ReStructure Mix to extend and give an opportunity to return to the sound which we all knew on dance floors during the 80s.

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