Saturday, June 8, 2024

ReStructure Mix Update (6/8/24):”New York By Night” – Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Dennis Parker

Dennis Parker is an actor/singer who released his disco project titled “Like An Eagle” in 1979 – produced by Jacques Morali (Village People, The Ritchie Family). His second from the album “New York By Night” is favorite among those who clamor for that full orchestrated sound created by Morali within the studio. The track is homage to the city and a more realistic view of times within it. The rolling basslines are a club into the obvious movement of disco music from the end of the seventies onto the 80’s where basslines became more predominant. “New York By Night” is another masterful piece from Morali and also gives Parker a nice place to plant his vocal aspirations.

I have taken the 12” version of “New York By Night” and revisited the city in a new way for this ReStructure Mix. The opening becomes more of a dub fantasy into the track and more new breaks along the way give it the momentum it expresses.

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