Sunday, December 15, 2019

ReStructure Mix Update (12/15/19) “Super Trouper” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – ABBA

ReStructure Mix Update (12/15/19) “Super Trouper” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – ABBA

ABBA was the 70’s soundtrack on a level of pop-disco communication. Their existence in pop-culture during the period was a reflection of a new generation and their need to connect through music and the dance experience. Not only was the time a unique connection to a freedom of expression but also crescendo which eventually faded. Thanks to bands like ABBA the experience will never be repeated again even though it is imitated and renewed. This was a magic that the seventies holds to itself. “Super Trouper” is from ABBA’s 1980 project with the same name. The song has an eerie feel of a love growing weaker as the distance is expressed. It was a single that was a full-on ABBA experience and still remains one of their beautiful tracks.

I have taken the album version of “Super Trouper” along with pieces of the instrumental and recreated a new ReStructure Mix for the bands nuance. There is more of a dub feel to the arrangement and flows to a fade out from the original opening chorus.

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