Wednesday, July 28, 2021

REISSUE: "Heartbreak In Disguise" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Pattie Brooks


Pattie Brooks is known for her onstage performance with lovely fans - I know her as one of the disco divas whom introduced the lush-sweet sound of disco anthems. "After Dark", "This Is The House Where Love Died", "Girl, Don't Make Me Wait" and "Party Girl" are the magic of disco which created the fantasy world that made dancers feel free.

Pattie's second album produced by Simon Soussan contained the sound which made disco mature and chic for the time period. Lots of percussion, strings and lovely songs about 'heartbreak' and 'love'. It was quite a moment in disco history.

I have taken the 12" remix of "Heartbreak In Disguise" (mixed by Bob Stone and Manny Slali) and have given it a new ReStructure Mix. Using most of the lush-strings and piano tracks I wanted to make this one not only lengthier, but also remind us of just how fabulous disco music was as it captivated hearts and feet!

Dedicated to Ms. Pattie Brooks - the lady of true disco feeling!

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