Wednesday, July 28, 2021

REISSUE: "Heartquake" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Love Affair

Love Affair is an electronic dance project from producers Gilbert Di Nino and Leo Carrier released in 1979. Comprised of a formula familiar to disco classics as “Love Attack” by Ferrara and “Magnifique” by Charisma which includes heavy synthesizer waves of bass along with percussion and simple, yet curious vocal riffs. “Heartquake” has the chorus ensemble that displays a sensual and bold presence that works wonderfully over the keyboard breaks which exude an explosive edge. One of the early signs of high energy music in the works following the big disco production age.

I have taken the extended 12” version of “Heartquake” and reworked a new ReStructure Mix with a new arrangement which showcases the elements which work most in this swirling dance track. Drums are given the center stage again where they are injected in parts of this dance number. Homage to the high energy electronic period of dance music history. 


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