Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Rock Solid" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Chi Chi Favelas and The Black and White Band

• "Rock Solid" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Chi Chi Favelas and The Black and White Band

This track was released on an LP by the same name in 1978 - it is obviously a group of musicians who were well educated on disco - probably Euro-disco. It was recorded at Trident Studios which is where Alec R. Costandinos worked allot of his disco magic.

Slim Pezin (Voyage, Kikrokos) is featured on guitars and George Roddi (Voyage) on keyboards and synthesizers as well as Sue Glover and Sunny Leslie on vocals - and these girls were Cerrone's ensemble on early projects as well as backing for a few Donna Summer LPs.

With the outline as such, you understand why it is such a fantastic endeavor. Produced by Alain Wisniak and is listed at "the tastiest disco sound around". I agree. The use of a rock and roll influence and theme is deeply successful.

I have ReStructured "Rock Solid" re-using the fabulous guitar piece which "disco-rocks!"

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