Saturday, March 3, 2018

ReStructure Mix Update (3/2/18) “Mother, Look What They’ve Done To Me” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Amanda Lear

Amanda Lear’s “Sweet Revenge” project from 1978 is a disco-opera of our heroine whose soul is taken by the dark side for the fortune and fame of a Hollywood career. A touch of modern day Faust set to disco beats and rolling synthesizers. The production by Anthony Monn is an innovative twist for the mysterious tale being weaved through songs where Amanda gives a hypnotic performance of lusty, temptation and regret. This one is ahead of its time as it portrays an early morning dance feel with the main tracks, “Follow Me” which is a classic.

I have taken the album version from the side one medley of “Sweet Revenge” – where obviously the title exclaims that Amanda has over shadowed the grip of evil in this tale. The original is extended in this ReStructure Mix and contains pieces of those in the lead of the tale and following to complete the fantasy. It is one of the pieces from Amanda which make her aura as tempting as Faust.

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