Monday, December 10, 2012

"Theme from Disco '77" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Sassy

"Theme from Disco '77" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Sassy

Sassy is a disco group produced by Mr. Ray Martinez - who also brought us Amant, Passion, Ray Martinez and Friends, a few productions by Foxy, George McCrae, Celi Bee, Seven Seas and the disco label Paris International which featured artists Evelyn Thomas and Jill.

Ray's track "Theme from Disco '77" was the theme from the disco-dance television show which featured many popular and upcoming disco artists. This track is one of my all-time favorites and one big hit for me during my mobile disc jockey years.

I have taken the 12" single from TK Disco and have given it a ReStructure Mix - for a revisit to the days when dancing was made for couples and disco music was for falling in love. It has the classic Ray Martinez stamp which for me always excited and had me swaying.

Dedicated to "the man" himself - Mr. Ray Martinez. Thank you, Ray - over and over your music brings so much joy and love to many. This is for you!

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