Saturday, August 8, 2020

REISSUE: "Ring My Bell" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Anita Ward

REISSUE: "Ring My Bell" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Anita Ward This was a "had-to-do"! It is one of the old-school classic, disco songs of all time. It has one of the most creative and funky riffs of it's time. And I am told by Dan Joseph from TK Records that that little syndrum sound was added later and created the original "Midnight Mix" by Ritchie Rivera (no relation). It is amazing what one little riff can do for a track! I have taken the track into a deeper sound using the "tom-tom" break at the closing of the 12" single and dubbed in a few samples from, believe it or not, Walt Disney's "The Haunted Mansion" (one of my favorite LPs at the age of 5 years old). Anita still rings solid here!

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