Wednesday, August 12, 2020

REISSUE: "Sky High" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Jigsaw

REISSUE: "Sky High" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Jigsaw From 1976 and also the theme from a kung-fu film called either, "The Dragon Flies" or "The Man From Hong Kong" came Jigsaw's "Sky High". I can remember as a child seeing the film at a drive in and at the closing of the film as the kung-fu hero takes off on a hang glider over skyscrapers this song blares over the soundtrack. It was quite a memorable moment - little did I know that I would be ReStrcuturing the cut this many years later. It is a classic little number. Great horns and strings as well as fine vocals are a big part of this production. I have broken down the song with more added beats and percussion and looping several elements that are great segues. A+ dance music here!

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