Wednesday, August 12, 2020

ReStructure Mix Update (8/12/20) “Let’s Stay Together” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Richard Woods

ReStructure Mix Update (8/12/20) “Let’s Stay Together” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Richard Woods

Richard Woods is artist from 1983 who recorded a cover of Al Green’s soul classic “Let’s Stay Together” with an electronic arrangement full of sharp slivers of beat and handclaps. This version was released on Disconet Program Service Volume 6 Program 8 and was always an alternative for myself during early evening or after hour’s sets. It moves in a nice vibe and takes the songs into a new arena that pumps it into a synth-pop edge. It was never released following this issue so the version here is as close as it gets.

I have taken the Disconet version of “Let’s Stay Together” and rewired it for this ReStructure Mix adding some new percussion and a few snippets of the original instrumental. It plays out lengthier and has a few new breaks.

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