Saturday, August 15, 2020

ReStructure Mix Update (8/15/20) “Let Yourself Go” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – The Supremes

ReStructure Mix Update (8/15/20) “Let Yourself Go” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – The Supremes

The Supremes in 1977 featured Mary Wilson, Scherrie Payne and Susaye Greene as the trio. Their single “Let Yourself Go” produced by Holland, Dozier and Holland was one of the big records during the underground dance scene of Paradise Garage which immediately gives this soul number a standing all of its own. The girls serenade the atmosphere with a light and sweet message of being who you are is a necessity for the moment so it also becomes one of the early anthems of the dance floor. This one shines throughout time with the nice groove pumping out the energy for the trio to sing out and rejoice about the happiest times on the dance floor.

I have taken the 7” version of “Let Yourself Go” and reworked the classic with more percussion leading the way in this ReStructure Mix. There is a long intro for the lead into the excitement and a fade out for the cool down.

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