Friday, July 19, 2024

ReStructure Mix Update (7/19/24):”(I Need A) Working Girl” – Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Johnny Lovesin

Johnny Lovesin is a Canadian rock artist who released his project “Rough Side Of Town” in 1983 – produced by George Semkiw. The single “(I Need A) Working Girl” was a big push in a market which was shifting towards a synth-pop audience with Lovesin’s guitar flare. The track is simple to move to since it rushes in like a roaring wall of deep synthesizers leading the way. It is one of the 80’s markers on experimental play and execution. The riffs are non-stop in the 12” version which plays out anything but gentle.

I have taken the 12” versions of “(I Need A) Working Girl” and worked out the original into a new ReStructure Mix. The fantastic power from the original I have used in several parts of this new mix and also added a few new breaks.


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