Tuesday, May 21, 2019

REISSUE: "Imagination" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Helen Reddy

REISSUE: "Imagination" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Helen Reddy

Australian born singer, Helen Reddy dominated the charts in the early 70s with many of her singles. She is one of the well known artists with lasting talent for singing and songwriting.

Her dance repertoire in the late 70s disco scene began with a cover of Kelly Marie's "Make Love To Me" from her 1979 LP "Reddy:. In 1983 her album "Imagination" was the source of her single by the same name. The 12" single was played by those jocks who could program this high-energy/early morning track cleverly. It has always been a favorite of mine and the instrumental has sound that disco bands like Space or Romanelli would weave.

I have take the 12" single and created a new ReStructure Mix adding some "imagination" and new beats. It is a very nice swirling number and deserves a place in the 80s dance movement.

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