Monday, December 2, 2019

ReStructure Mix Update (12/1/19) “Midnight Rendezvous.” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Tasha Thomas

ReStructure Mix Update (12/1/19) “Midnight Rendezvous.” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Tasha Thomas

Tasha Thomas is a singer/performer whose career includes backing recording sessions for Louis Armstrong, Stevie Wonder, Cat Stevens and Jim Croce. Her stage career includes the Broadway production of “The Wiz” where she played “Aunt Em” in the mid-70’s. “Midnight Rendezvous’ is her 1979 disco album produced by James R. Glazer and Peter Rugle. The title track is an oasis of sensual love set to a disco beat. One of genuine sounds of the disco era and a vocal that flows with a soulful whimsical edge.

I have taken the 12” version of “Midnight Rendezvous” and recreated a new ReStructure Mix using the mysterious horns and percussion to drive this new piece. I have added a delayed drum track to give it a new pace in segments.

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