Monday, December 13, 2021

REISSUE: "Get Up (Rock Your Body)" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - The Machine 202

The Machine 202 was produced by Billy Arnell and Steve Loeb - a duo which produced Jessica Bell's "Ode To Four" in 1977 and a heavy metal rock project by Riot titled "Narita" in 1979.

The pair may have dabbled this once in disco music using none-other than Jocelyn Brown on lead vocals. The 12' single was a huge success at the end of the disco era in late 1979 throughout 1980 for a track which emphasized and celebrated disco music to the form.

I have ReStructured the original 12" version and added the heavy claps along with some extracted percussion to give the flow of the new mix an extended energy. The song really cooks and make disco music the celebration it was intended for.

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