Friday, August 30, 2024

ReStructure Mix Update (8/30/24):”Rhythm Of The Night” – Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Corona

Corona is a Eurodance artist whom entered clubs in 1993 with her big hit, “Rhythm Of The Night” - produced by Roberto Arduini and Checco. This fast paced energetic track became an instant classic following and closing the big techno-Eurodance period of the 90’s. It features a chorus riff which seems to glorify the nightlife in a mysterious and exciting way. Along with Corona’s flowing vocals and taking this one onto the top level for dance floor energy. It is now classic which defies the placement of the memory of a time when dancing was the release we all took.

I have taken the 12”versions of “Rhythm Of The Night” and revoked the rolling energy into a new ReStructure Mix. The outline is laid out more on an open arena for the chorus to slip in there and make it pop again.


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