Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Never Gonna Be The Same" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Ruth 'Silky' Waters

• "Never Gonna Be The Same" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Ruth 'Silky' Waters

Ruth 'Silky' Waters released "Never Gonna Be The Same" in 1979 on Millennium Records - produced by John Davis.
This track was somewhat of an anthem and so appropriate for the tail end of the disco era. The music arrangement is definable as Mr. Davis' incredible orchestral and funky band-like flavor - and with Waters' incredible standard and blues style of vocal this one soars in it's own category.

I can remember this song pulling many to the dance floor with it's powerful energy. It will be a song that disco audiophiles will keep alive for years to come.

This ReStructure Mix takes the 12 Inch Remix of the song and splits into pieces and pulls it together with a simpler arrangement and a couple of new building segments.

Dedicated to Hans in The Netherlands - thanks for dropping the idea of a remix for this gem.

1 comment:

njblas said...

Your fantastic new intro to this infectious anthem had me on the edge of my seat - the build-up to the point where Ms Waters wails 'No, it's never gonna be the same without you...' was almost too much to bear!!
A fondly remembered LP which I would love to see on CD. 'Start A New Affair" from this album would also be amazing in a Restructure... Nick

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