Friday, July 12, 2019

REISSUE: “Mischief" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - French Kiss

REISSUE: “Mischief" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - French Kiss

Simon Soussan produced artist such as Jessica Williams, Pattie Brooks, Romance, Arpeggio, Shalamar, Leroy Gomez, Charisma and French Kiss.

From his 1979 project "Panic!" featuring, Jessica Williams, Lamar Stevens and Muffi Durham came an intriguing instrumental piece titled, "Mischief". This track was a hypnotic track with a pulsating synthesizer outline and some great strings accenting it. It was one of those tracks with much promise on the dance floor. This ReStructure Mix extends the hook of the song and gives it an extended arrangement.

Dedicated to Cole for bringing the song back into my mind - it was always a favorite.

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