Tuesday, November 5, 2019

REISSUE: “Give Me The Night" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - George Benson

REISSUE: “Give Me The Night" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - George Benson

"Give Me The Night" is George Benson's jazz-disco fusion project which gave the early 80s a breath of nightlife once again. A breezy and funky track that takes Benson's jazz guitar talent where it feels right.

Produced by Quincy Jones and has that ethereal production sound that leaves the mind somewhere "out there". This ReStructure Mix is a piece-by-piece remix that is intended to rearrange verse, chorus and parts of the song that make it what disco and experimentation is all about.

Dedicated to Rick in Australia and sending energy for a speedy recovery - we need you in "Discoland"!

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