Thursday, November 7, 2019

REISSUE: "I Am What I Am" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Gloria Gaynor

REISSUE: "I Am What I Am" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Gloria Gaynor

Ms. Gloria Gaynor is well known as the Queen Of Disco from 1973 - present. From her original hit "Honeybee" from 1973 and onto "I Will Survive" in 1978 - Gloria has always serenaded disco in many forms and with no remorse.

Her return in the 80's was well worth the time along with multi-talented producer, Joel Diamond (Silver Blue Records) - it was a time where high energy had received it momentum and disco artists were free to express their roots once again. It was even more appropriate that Gloria cover the Broadway track, "I Am What I Am" from "La Cage Aux Folles" (the Broadway musical).

This ReStructure takes the track deeper and more playful with bass, break loops and Gloria's, always, fabulous vocals. Long drawn out for dance fever.

Dedicated to Mr. Joel Diamond - thanks to his wonderful music, talent and also for being so supportive to my projects in keeping disco music alive!

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