Saturday, October 19, 2019

REISSUE: "In The Name Of Love" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Sharon Redd

REISSUE: "In The Name Of Love" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Sharon Redd

From her 1982 LP "Redd Hot" and giving us belief in "love" which was only displayed once before in "I Will Survive" - "In The Name Of Love".

This track was an instant classic on dance floors proving that Sharon Redd was not only a talented artist but marked her spot in music history. The light pulsating synthesizers and swirling strings give Redd an opportunity to pour her emotions into an anthem that never ceases to grow old.

I have ReStructured "In The Name Of Love" and dedicate it to Sharon's mother, Katie who will be celebrating her birthday this week. With all the love to Ms. Perry who is just a beautiful as Sharon's light.

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