Tuesday, June 23, 2020

REISSUE: “Dance And Leave It All Behind You” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Sumeria

REISSUE: “Dance And Leave It All Behind You” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Sumeria Sumeria is a disco project from disco producer, Alec R. Costandinos. This project reflects his earlier work with Love and Kisses and Sphinx. A fully orchestrated production and pieces of a disco journey of a woman who following a torrid break from a bad relationship meets a mysterious stranger who we learn is from another galaxy. They fall in love and it seems as the time comes to return and his own and leaving his new love brings heartache and “golden tears”. Costandinos makes this disco symphony every moment worth the dance and storyline that he creates beautifully. One of the great moments in disco history is these Euro-disco productions that enabled many dance floors to transform into a stage for feet and imagination. I have taken segments of “Dance And Leave It All Behind You” along with pieces of tracks from this tale and transformed them into a new ReStructure Mix. The bassline has been amended to give this new version a slow fade in and out. More of the powerful chorus is worked and the orchestrations are built as they were intended to outline our journey.

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