Thursday, September 19, 2019

REISSUE: "Saturday Night" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - T-Connection

REISSUE: "Saturday Night" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - T-Connection

Funk and disco are the drive behind T-Connection - Theophilus Coakley, Kirkwood Coakley, David Mackey and Anthony Flowers.

Their 1976 track "Disco Magic" gave them a spot on the dance floor which brought together a soulful band approach with the lighter side of disco elegance. "Do What You Wanna Do" from 1977 is a classic embedded on mirror balls everywhere.

I have ReStructured their 1979 power track "Saturday Night" and planted a few pump beats here are there to break down the verse and chorus into a funky dance experience. The same LP titled "T-Connection" also contained the equally popular track "At Midnight".

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