Friday, May 22, 2020

REISSUE: “Feel The Need” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Forrest

REISSUE: “Feel The Need” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Forrest Forrest is vocalist Forrest M. Thomas Jr. and Dutch disco producer John Tilly (who also gave us Risqué’ and Telekin). His single “Feel The Need” from 1983 is a cover of the Detroit Emeralds 1972 soul number which was re-released again in 1977 with a dynamite disco production by Abrim Tilmon. The song was then covered by rock-pop singer Leif Garrett in 1978. The song has a resonance of pure desire and drive as it has lasted to the 80s and even today has that rhyme and reason of love. Forrest performs this version over a simple electronic keyboard and percussion track which takes the early 80s transition into heart. It does have the heart although and plays out with the same effect – which a great song always does. I have taken the 12” version of “Feel The Need” and recreated a ReStructure Mix working back and forth with the vocals, percussion and keyboard riffs. A lengthier pull for the song and another opportunity to make this gem last.

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