Tuesday, September 10, 2019

REISSUE: "Disco Lady" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Johnnie Taylor

REISSUE: "Disco Lady" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Johnnie Taylor

Johnnie Harrison Taylor began his recording career in 1967 and became a integral part of soul music's growth in the pop culture. His 1976 LP "Eargasm" was a part of the soul movement and upcoming label of a new style of music called disco.

"Disco Lady" became an instant classic with it's slick laid back feel and Taylor's soulful vocal approach. It made the transition easy for soul followers to look to disco music for an alternate dance remedy and style.

I have ReStructured this classic taking pieces of the extended 12" single and giving it a few new parts and beats, as well as a new bass riff to give the song a hypnotic feel. It has been a part of my teen years and now I am able to bring a flavor to it that I feel of where my feet feel it.

Dedicated to the man, Johnnie Taylor - in his memory and soulful energy (1937 - 2000)

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