Monday, April 19, 2021

REISSUE: "Machine Gun" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Commodores


REISSUE: "Machine Gun" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Commodores 1974 was the release of second LP for the very talented Commodores - Produced Gloria Jones ("Bring On The Love"),Jeffrey Bowen (Bonnie Pointer), Pam Sawyer(Diana Ross) and James Anthony Carmichael. It lives off of the soulful edge of music by Billy Paul and artists who were incorporating keyboards as an instrumental tag, this track is "dynamite!" "Machine Gun" was featured in the 1977 film, "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" as a base for the sound of disco music for the time. This outta-site track features wah-wah guitars and slamming keyboards. The original track ran for 2:39 - I have extended the track by looping and transforming some of the major keyboard arrangements into new bridges and chords. The song has recently made it back into a new film which I will find post the title when it is released. This goes out to the hard-core disco lovers from way back when soul was it's daddy...

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