Tuesday, May 5, 2020

REISSUE: "Au Revior"- Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Noel

REISSUE: "Au Revior"- Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - Noel Noel is an artists introduced with an LP titled "Dancing Is Dangerous" - produced by Ron Mael and Russel Mael of the brothers band, Sparks. This session was truly influenced by their own LP "#1 In Heaven" - produced by Giorgio Moroder. "Au Revoir" is a track from the segued album and is one of my favorite cuts from the album - even though it runs at 3:10. I have always played the song using 2 pieces of vinyl to extend for either a dreamy early morning set or lounge sets. I have ReStructured the short LP version and chopped the song into parts and also created loops and breaks to extend this nice piece of jazz-like dreaminess.

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