Monday, July 27, 2020

REISSUE: “Cocomotion" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - El Coco

REISSUE: “Cocomotion" - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix - El Coco At the age of 16 and hearing this song for the first time in a discotheque I believed I was listening to one of the most incredible songs ever! The breaks keyboards I always believed were being blended in the disc jockey and they were from a "Close Encounters" soundtrack! That bass - all I could say is that I was lucky that it was being hear at a club called Lombard's here is San Diego - the sound system was fierce! W. Michael Lewis and his production partner Laurin Rinder were the writers and musicians on most of their great early disco music. It was the way it was suppose to sound - raw and ready. Untouched by the big record labels - like a live jam sessions directly to the dance floor. Even after this many years is "Cocomotion" still thumping under it's own unique sound. My ReStructure is a varied break adjustment - try to guess where it starts and ends.

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