Sunday, July 19, 2020

REISSUE: “It’s Alright” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Gino Soccio

REISSUE: “It’s Alright” - Glenn Rivera ReStructure Mix – Gino Soccio Gino Soccio is one of the creative forces who brought a heavy influence on disco music as it matured in the late 70s. His credits include many session groups including Witch Queen, Gotham Flasher, Lafleur and artists Karen Silver and Busta Jones. His keyboards and synthesizer work is a new age touch to the electronic edge of disco. “Outline” was his first solo album from 1979 where the single “Dancer” became one of the innovative recording sessions of its time. Later Gino proved his creative edge brought together a slick techno-new age feel that would set a presence during the early and late 80s. “It’s Alight” is from his 1982 project “Face To Face” and featured vocalist Erma Shaw – this synth-dance classic is ReStructured using the album version. More of the looping riffs are accentuated here along with a breakdown among several areas where the rhythm is contagious. One of the great classics from Soccio and his genius which even today is fresh and influential.

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